Tailor-made Assessment Solutions
nhance Evaluator
nhance Evaluator
Get Meaningful Insights from Examinations

nhance Evaluator
nhance Evaluator is GA Soft Tech’s cloud-based solution for online assessments. It is designed specifically as per the needs of academic institutions and corporates for the management of online assessments. Our solution incorporates collaborative tools that help track evaluation, compare results, and generate dynamic reports along with intelligent data analytics. As an examination services provider, we offer consultation, test content, delivery and reporting services.
Simplify Exam Management with GA’s nhance Evaluator
Basic Features of nhance Evaluator
nhance Evaluator offers a comprehensive suite of applications, and inbuilt tools for question authoring, robust approval workflow, scheduler and exam management, and evaluation and result publishing.

- Easy Integration: Integration with the individual’s profile to enable easy monitoring of performance
- Instant Evaluation: Automatic evaluation for all question types except descriptive question type
- Bulk Question Upload: Bulk question upload available through a specific format downloadable from nhance Evaluator
- Security Locked Question Paper: Question papers are locked with a password and 2-way authentication to avoid misuse
- Multiple Question Types: Supports multiple choice questions, true/false, fill-in-the-blanks, short answers, match the following etc.
- Performance Analysis: Examination results can be generated instantly with robust analytics and graphs
- Malpractice Elimination: Malpractice effectively brought down to zero through browser lockdowns
- Customized Roles: User-based role management for administrator, lecturer, module leader, moderator and student
- Hierarchical Course Structure: Manage hierarchical course structure through multiple levels for defining the curriculum structure
- Re-examination & Re-evaluation: Conduct re-examination or re-evaluation for descriptive exams based on requirements
Question Formats Supported by nhance Evaluator
“Have the Liberty to Choose from 11 Different Types of Question Paper Format.”
- Yes/No: Respondent is allowed to select either Yes or No as answer
- True/ False: Respondent is allowed to select either True or False as answer
- Hotspot: Respondent to indicate the answer by marking a specific point on the image
- Multiple Response (Right/Wrong): Respondent is allowed to choose more than one answer as a choice.
- Numeric: Respondents can answer by typing whole number or real number.
- Essay: Respondents can freely type text as answers
- Likert: Respondents rate one answer form the scale
- Fill in the Blanks: Respondents have to fill in the blanks with the text
- Multiple Response: Respondent is allowed to choose all the possible answers.
- Matching: Respondents should pair the items in one column to the items in another column.
- Multiple Choice: Select the best possible answer out of the choices from the list.
Our Key Differentiators
- Integrate all the departments of the Campus/University
- Re-engineer and standardize the University’s core set of business processes
- State-of-the-art security during examinations
- Automated attendance provision during online examinations
- Analytical reports based on the summative evaluation of assessments
- Embedding of images, videos or voice with questions or feedback
Who Are All Benefitted by nhance Evaluator?

Can create academic structure, user privileges and manage the entire system.

Can create question banks/templates, and manage exam evaluation and invigilation.

Can approve question papers and publish results using nhance Evaluator platform.

Can use nhance Evaluator to take assessments, and view grades and reports.

Module Leader
Can author questions, and manage question papers, evaluation and grading system.