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Knowledge Management

Streamlining the Flow of Knowledge

The Need for Knowledge Management

The Need for Knowledge Management

Every organization is endowed with a diverse repertoire of knowledge that resides in its systems, processes and human resources. However, knowledge management i.e. identifying tacit knowledge and making it available to all relevant audiences is challenging.

With GA Soft Tech’s Knowledge Management framework, an organization is equipped with the right tools for capturing and protecting tacit knowledge and dispensing it to the right targets. Our systematic approach to knowledge management ensures that the flow of information across an organization is appropriate and streamlined.

Forms of Knowledge in an Organization

Conceptual Knowledge

Incorporates perspectives, concepts, and systems.

Expectational Knowledge

Includes hypothesis, judgments, and expectations.

Factual Knowledge

Incorporates data and measurements that are verifiable & observable.

Methodological Knowledge

Involves reasoning, strategies, and decision-making processes.

Knowledge Management with GA Soft Tech


Our knowledge management tools help in locating tacit knowledge resources and pools within the organization.


We deploy our knowledge management strategies to channelize knowledge to the relevant audiences at the right time.


We facilitate the harnessing of knowledge from highly skilled resources such as subject matter and domain experts.


Our Knowledge Management suite enables knowledge preservation and loss prevention in the event of the exit of any employee.


We ensure that knowledge sharing and learning is maintained as a continuous process to boost the overall progress of the organization.


An organization can identify knowledge gaps across various functions and channelize unanswered queries and issues to experts.

Benefits of Knowledge Management

Improves the capability of organizations to address problems/issues more efficiently
Boosts creation of new & innovative ideas, products, solutions, and services
Enhances the ability of businesses to evolve & adapt as per changing requirements
Creates better preparedness for handling dynamic market transformations and attrition

Implementation of Knowledge Management

Identification of tacit knowledge across various functions of an organization, which is called Information Mapping is the first step of Knowledge Management. This is followed by knowledge categorization subsequent to which Information Storing is implemented. This involves the identification of data stored digitally in data warehouses, databases and information centers. The final stage is Information Retrieval wherein information retrieval systems are leveraged to store and retrieve relevant information.

Knowledge Management

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